The Protected Landscape of Montado do Freixo do Meio is a living system, rich and complex, formed by the relations of thousands of beings from all seven kingdoms.

Vaca Barrosã
Vaca Barrosã
Vaca Barrosã
Vaca Barrosã
Burro Bagueiro
Burro Bagueiro
Burro Bagueiro
Cavalos Sorraia
Cavalos Sorraia
Cavalos Sorraia
Galinha Preta
Pintos de Galinha Preta
Ovelha Merino
Ovelha Merino
Ovelha Merino
Porco Preto
Porco Preto

The domesticated animals we cooperate with in Montado do Freixo do Meio are essential elements, not only ensuring the workings of the natural system but also for its regeneration. The practice of holistic husbandry at Freixo do Meio, attracted the attention of its creator, Allan Savory, who visited in 2019.

They are, therefore, the most emblematic and ancestral breeds from the Iberian Peninsula, being the closest to the wild ancestor that originated them. This allows them to, in large measure, retain the capacity to play vital roles in the ecosystem.

In parallel, we did an active work of genetic conservation, by managing assets and cooperating with the official genealogical records of the breeds, as well as contributing to the preservation of the collective gastronomical cultural heritage.

Thus, alongside the wild animals, this territory is home to approximately 8 Sorraia horses, 100 Barrosã cattle, 12 Bagueiro donkeys, 260 Alentejo pigs, 80 Black Merino sheep, and 50 Lusitânia black hens.
